IPPB New Guideline : India Post Payment Bank released new guideline, check it immediately otherwise you will become a victim of fraud.

IPPB New Guideline : India Post Payment Bank released new guideline, check it immediately otherwise you will become a victim of fraud.
IPPB New Guideline : India Post Payment Bank released new guideline, check it immediately otherwise you will become a victim of fraud.

Cyber ​​Fraud: Cyber ​​thugs take information about important documents from account holders by luring villagers, tribals and less educated people to get funds under government schemes.

IPPB New Guideline: India Post Payments Bank has issued guidelines to account holders to beware of cyber frauds. Postal Payments Bank has said that cyber thugs take information of important documents from account holders by luring villagers, tribals and less educated people to get funds under government schemes and easily withdraw the amount existing in the customers’ account. . Therefore, account holders have been advised to beware of such fraud calls . So that you can avoid being a victim of fraud.

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Explain that the Indian Postal Payments Bank (IPPB) operates under the Department of Posts, Ministry of Communications. Accounts for more than 1,000 welfare schemes of the Central and State Governments, including small savings schemes, are opened in the India Post Payments Bank. In this, the money of many types of schemes including Sukanya, PPF, PM Kisan Samman Nidhi, Bima Fasal Yojana reaches directly into the accounts of the beneficiaries. The risk of cyber fraud has increased on these account holders.

India Post Payments Bank has said that due to increase in fraudulent activities where fraudsters open fake accounts in the name of villagers, tribals and less educated people by giving this inducement. India Post Payments Bank has warned account holders to be careful while sharing their personal details with unknown persons. It is said that fake accounts are used for illegal money transactions in cyber crimes.

Alert for post office account holders

  • Customer should not use any third person’s mobile number for opening bank account.
    Customer should not accept or send any money without knowing the genuineness of the transaction.
  • Customers should not share control of their bank account such as their mobile banking details with unknown persons to conduct transactions on their behalf.
  • Customers should not share their India Post Payments Bank account details with people luring them with job offers or easy money opportunities through social media.
  • Customers must verify the company and person before transacting or sending money.
  • Explain that India Post Payments Bank updates the customer identification data from time to time after account opening and also monitors their transactions to protect them from misuse by such fraudsters.

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