IRCTC ticket booking rules Changed : Railway has made changes in the rules for ticket booking, you will have a big advantage, know

IRCTC ticket booking rules Changed : Railway has made changes in the rules for ticket booking, you will have a big advantage, know
IRCTC ticket booking rules Changed : Railway has made changes in the rules for ticket booking, you will have a big advantage, know

Indian Railways: The rules for booking tickets have been changed by IRCTC in the last days. Under this rule, you will be able to book more tickets than before. But for this you will need to do one thing.

Aadhaar Card Link with IRCTC: If you and your family often travel by train, then this news is of your use. Actually, the rules for booking train tickets have been changed by the Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC). IRCTC is now giving great facility to those who book tickets.

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Can book more tickets in advance

After the change, now you can book more tickets in a month than before. Earlier you could book up to 6 tickets from your IRCTC account. But now if you link Aadhaar with your IRCTC account (Aadhaar Card Link With IRCTC), then you and your family will get the benefit of it.

Limit to book 12 tickets in a month

After linking Aadhaar with IRCTC account, you can now book up to 12 tickets in a month. Even if you travel less by train, you should link your IRCTC account with Aadhaar. You will never be troubled by this when you need it. Let’s know how to link with Aadhar …

How to Link Aadhar with IRCTC Account

1. First of all go to the official website of IRCTC, Here login by entering user id and password.

3. Click on ‘Aadhaar KYC’ in the ‘My Account Section’ on the home page.

4. Now on the next page enter the Aadhaar number and click on ‘Send OTP’.

5. OTP will come on the number registered with Aadhaar Card. Verify by entering this OTP.

6. After entering the relevant information, click on ‘Verify’ written below.


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