LIC’s Unclaimed Amount has to be checked! then the work will be done sitting at home, the method is very easy

LIC's Unclaimed Amount has to be checked! then the work will be done sitting at home, the method is very easy
LIC's Unclaimed Amount has to be checked! then the work will be done sitting at home, the method is very easy

Country’s largest insurance company Life Insurance Corporation i.e. LIC had itself told some time ago that it has crores of money which has no claimant. Whether you have any unclaimed amount stuck or not, you can check it by visiting LIC’s website.

Nowadays people invest in many schemes simultaneously. Money is automatically deducted from the bank account and people become relaxed. Many times the scheme also matures and they do not even get an idea. If money is not withdrawn for a long time even after maturity, it is called Unclaimed Amount. Apart from this, if the policyholder dies many times and the nominee is unable to claim the money, then in this situation that money is called Unclaimed Amount.

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The country’s largest insurance company, Life Insurance Corporation i.e. LIC itself had told some time ago that it has an amount worth crores of rupees which has no claimant. LIC had given this information when it came out with its IPO. However, there is no need to worry in this matter because LIC provides the facility to policyholders and their dependents that they can easily check death claim, maturity claim, premium refund or any other type of unclaimed amount online. Learn its method here.

How to check unclaimed amount 

To check Unclaimed Amount, you have to visit the official website of LIC. After this, come down to the bottom and go to Unclaimed Amounts of Policyholders among the options given there and click. After this a window will open in which you will be asked for information about policy number, policyholder’s name, date of birth and PAN card number. After giving this information you will have to click on the submit button. If you have any money in LIC, it will be visible as soon as you click on submit. After this you have to complete the process of claiming the money.

Claim money like this 

If you see outstanding amount after checking then you will have to contact LIC office to claim it. For this you will first apply and along with this you will have to give KYC and also submit the required documents. After submitting this, the process of payment of the outstanding amount will start from LIC and in a few days your money will be transferred to the bank account linked to the policy.

These are the instructions

Explain that IRDAI has a clear instruction for all insurance companies that they will give complete information about the account and money without claim on their portal. If there is a claim of Rs 1000 or more, then its complete details have to be given on the website. Even if the claim is 10 years old, its complete details will have to be given on the website. It can be claimed for 25 years without transfer of claim money to the Senior Citizens Welfare Fund.

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