Now it is easy to find the update history of Aadhar card online, know this is the way


At present, it has become necessary for customers in banks across the country to link their accounts with the Aadhaar card. If information does not match, information like name, address, mobile number can be changed on Aadhaar card.

The dependence on Aadhar card has increased considerably in the country. At present, Aadhaar card is also seen as a citizen’s identity card. At the same time, it has become necessary for customers in banks across the country to link their accounts with Aadhaar card. At present, it has become mandatory to link Aadhaar card with bank account, PAN card, mobile number etc.

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If you want to know where your Aadhaar has been updated, now you can easily check it online. Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has provided the facility for Aadhaar card holders to view the updated history of Aadhaar online.


This feature of UIDAI has been launched in beta version. At present, if your information does not match, then information like name, address, mobile number can be changed. If you change your address in Aadhaar, or you created the Aadhaar card in childhood and want to play the photo of it when you grow up, you can easily change it through online and get its update.


How to check


First, the Aadhaar cardholder will have to go to the UIDAI website and click on the Aadhaar update history. After this a section will open. After which the users have to fill the Aadhaar number or Virtual ID and Security Captcha. After this, you have to enter security captcha and once you enter it, one time password will come on your registered mobile number. The user will be able to see his history as soon as he enters the OTP.



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