Personal Finance Deadlines : Shock to those who do not work on time, government did not extend the last date of these schemes

Personal Finance Deadlines : Shock to those who do not work on time, government did not extend the last date of these schemes
Personal Finance Deadlines : Shock to those who do not work on time, government did not extend the last date of these schemes

Small Savings Scheme: The date for exchanging de-mat nomination, mutual fund nomination, IDBI Amrit Mahotsav FD and Rs 2000 note has been extended. But no change was made in the deadlines related to some works.

Income Tax Audit: The deadline of September 30 was set to complete many works by the government, banks and other agencies. For this, reminders were also issued by the government from time to time to complete the works. But in some cases the deadline was extended by the government.

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But no changes have been made in some of them. Among the works whose deadline has been extended further, the date for exchange of de-mat nomination, mutual fund nomination, IDBI Amrit Mahotsav FD and Rs 2000 note has been extended. But let us know about the deadlines related to those works in which no changes were made.

SBI Wecare

SBI launched a special FD scheme named ‘SBI V-Care’ in 2022 to secure the income of senior citizens by offering high interest of 7.50% on FD for a tenure of five years or more. The last date to invest in the scheme was 30 September 2023. Earlier its last date was extended. But this time no changes were made in it.

Linking Aadhaar with Saving Scheme

It is necessary to link Aadhaar with any small saving scheme account like National Savings Certificate (NSC), Public Provident Fund (PPF) and others. If you do not do this, your account will be frozen. The last date for linking Aadhaar with these schemes was 30 September 2023.

LIC Dhan Vriddhi

LIC Dhan Vriddhi Plan is a non-linked, non-participating, personal, saving and single premium plan. By investing in this, you will get the benefit of both safety and saving together. If a policy holder dies, in such a situation it provides financial help to the family. The last date of this plan was also 30 September 2023.

New rule of TCS:

It was said by the Finance Ministry that 5 percent TCS will be imposed on foreign tour packages worth up to Rs 7 lakh per person per year. No tax was payable on travel till 30th September. The government has implemented TCS rules from October 1. This means that now foreign travel of more than Rs 7 lakh has become expensive.

The time limit for submission of Income Tax Audit Report under Section 44AB of the Income Tax

Act, 1961 has also not been extended by the Income Tax Department. If any tax payer has not submitted the audit report on or before September 30, 2023, then he can now submit it by paying a fine.

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