Post Payments Bank : Big News! You can avail doorstep banking service from India Post Payments Bank, know how to book service online

Post Payments Bank : Big News! You can avail doorstep banking service from India Post Payments Bank, know how to book service online
Post Payments Bank : Big News! You can avail doorstep banking service from India Post Payments Bank, know how to book service onlinenk : Big News! You can avail doorstep banking service from India Post Payments Bank, know how to book service online

With India Post Payments Bank (IPPB), customers can avail doorstep banking services. With IPPB, Indian residents can book online banking services at their doorstep. 

It includes services like opening a bank account, transferring money, depositing and withdrawing cash, recharging or paying bills, buying life insurance general.

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Follow these steps to book doorstep banking request online with IPPBClick on this link and fill the details like name, address, pin code, email address and mobile number.

From the drop-down box/menu given below, select the service you wish to book at your doorstep.

Now in the second drop down box/menu, select the subcategory of the selected service and click on ‘Request OTP’.

One Time Password (OTP) will be sent to the given mobile number.

Enter the OTP in the box and on verification your booking will be confirmed.

A booking confirmation message will be sent to your mobile number.

Service Hours and Fees

According to the IPPB website, the service request can be extended up to a minimum of T+2 (business plus 2 days) and a maximum of T+10. Customer can choose the time slot for serving the service between 11 AM to 4 PM on the scheduled date as per convenience.

IPPB charges Rs 20 plus GST per customer for each door-to-door visit for a service of more than 1 km from the post office. There is no limit on the number of transactions that can be done at the doorstep. For complete details about the charges for various services, visit the IPPB website.

IPPB’s Doorstep Banking Services

account opening.

cash deposit/withdrawal

money transfer

Recharge & Bill Payment

Account related services: IPPB and post office account linkage, updating PAN/enrollment details, requesting account details, etc.

Services under AePS

Access to Aadhaar linked accounts with other banks.

cash withdrawal.

Balance inquiry.

Mini statement.

third party services


general Insurance.

mutual funds.

financial Services.

Mobile number update in aadhar.

Digital Life Certificate Generation, Jeevan Pramaan.

Indian Post Office Payment Products: PPF, RD, PLI, RPLI, Sukanya Samriddhi, LARD.


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