Railway employees got a big shock! This system has been closed, you will not get benefits, new rules are implemented

Railway employees got a big shock! This system has been closed, you will not get benefits, new rules are implemented
Railway employees got a big shock! This system has been closed, you will not get benefits, new rules are implemented

Lakhs of employees have suffered a major shock. The facilities have been closed for them. Orders have been issued in this regard.

Employees Cashless Benefit, Railway Employees: Railway employees and pensioners have suffered a big blow. They will not get the benefit of cashless treatment facility. For this, the Principal Executive Director of the Board has issued a letter and informed the Zonal Railways.

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Recently bonus has been announced for railway employees. However, with this, employee pensioners and dependents have suffered a big blow. Now they will not be provided the facility of emergency cashless treatment without referral to a private hospital. Railway Board has withdrawn the Cashless Treatment Scheme in Emergency i.e. CTSE running in the country.

Old cashless referral facility will continue to be available

The order has been issued by the board on 16 October. In such a situation, in case of serious illness, railway employees and their family members will continue to get the old cashless referral facility. Let us tell you that CTSE was implemented as a pilot project by the Railway Board in January 2021 with the aim of providing proper treatment facilities to the employees and their families in case of emergency. Private hospitals were also included in the panel.

Railway employee pensioners and their dependents suffering from serious illness could get treatment in a empaneled private hospital without being referred from the Railway Hospital in case of emergency. However, now after discussion and approval from the authority, it has been decided to withdraw this arrangement with immediate effect. Has gone. In such a situation, no refund will be issued to the card holder for the amount deposited for its membership. The Finance Directorate of the Railway Ministry has also given its consent in the matter.

As soon as this facility ends, railway workers will suffer a big loss. 50000 employees of North Eastern Railway including 15000 pensioners will be affected. In this matter, General Secretary of NE Railway Mazdoor Union, KL Gupta says that the General Coconut of the Board is a betrayal of trust for the employees.

The order has been issued without discussing with the Federation. This matter will be raised before the Board through All India Railway Men’s Federation. If the system is not implemented again, there will be a nationwide movement.

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