Railway Recruitment 2023: Big News! Jobs in Railways, fee will be charged this much, selection will be done like this

Railway Recruitment 2023: Recruitment for more than 1100 posts in Railways, you can apply in this way
Railway Recruitment 2023: Recruitment for more than 1100 posts in Railways, you can apply in this way

PLW Recruitment 2023: Patiala Locomotive Works has invited applications from eligible candidates for the post of Apprentice. 12th pass candidates can apply for this. You can check other details below.

PLW Apprentice Recruitment 2023: If you want to do apprenticeship in Indian Railways, then you can take advantage of this opportunity. Patiala Locomotive Works has invited applications for 295 apprentice posts.

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The application link for these has opened from October 9 and registrations are going on. If you are also interested and eligible, then apply immediately without any delay. From last date to application fee and age limit, we are sharing all the important details below.

This is the last date

Applications for the apprentice post of Patiala Locomotive Works have started from 9th October and the last date to apply is 31st October 2023 . Fill the form before this date. Also note that applications will be online only. For this you have to go to this website – plwindianrailways.gov.in .

Vacancy details

  • Total posts – 295
  • Electrician – 140 posts
  • Mechanic (Diesel) – 40 Posts
  • Mechanist – 15 posts
  • Fitter – 75 posts
  • Welder – 25 posts

Who is eligible to apply?

To apply for these posts, it is necessary that the candidate has passed 10 + 2 from a recognized board with at least 50 percent marks. The age of the candidate for these vacancies should not be less than 15 years. Apart from this, it is necessary that the candidate should also have taken ITI Diploma in the related trade.

how much fee will have to be paid

To apply, candidates will have to pay a fee of Rs 100. Also know that fee payment will also be online. To know any other details you can visit the official website.

How much will be the stipend?

The candidates who are selected will get different stipends in different years. Rs 7000 will be given in the first year, Rs 7700 in the second year and Rs 8050 in the third year.

How will the selection be done?

Candidates for these posts will be selected on the basis of merit. Merit will be prepared on the basis of marks obtained in 12th and ITI Diploma and candidates will be selected accordingly..

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