Railway Ticket: Big news for passengers, rules for purchasing general and platform tickets changed

Railway Ticket: Big news for passengers, rules for purchasing general and platform tickets changed
Railway Ticket: Big news for passengers, rules for purchasing general and platform tickets changed

Railway Ticket: It has become easier than ever for passengers to get general and platform tickets through the UTS on mobile app. The outer circle distance requirement has been abolished.

Railway Ticket Booking: Big news has come for railway passengers. Indian Railways has made a major change in the rules for purchasing e-tickets. Jio facing limit for purchasing general and platform tickets has been abolished. This means that now passengers will not need to go away from the platform while booking tickets. They will be able to book unreserved coach tickets and platform tickets anywhere.

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Passengers will get relief from long lines

Indian Railways has extended the facility to provide long queue relief to passengers traveling on unreserved tickets and to ease the ticket booking process. The requirement of outer circle distance has been abolished for e-ticket booking through UTS on mobile app.

Distance reduced to book ticket

For your information, let us tell you that to get the ticket from UTS on mobile app, there was no provision for the passenger to book unreserved ticket at a distance of more than 50 km (outer distance) of the station. Now passengers can book tickets within the range of 20 km. The 5 km limit for platform tickets has been abolished. People will be able to book general tickets and platform tickets through the app 5 meters outside the station limits.

About UTS App

Railways has taken this step to promote paperless tickets. Therefore changes have been made in the features of the app. Now passengers traveling in unreserved coaches in Railways can book unreserved tickets from anywhere through UTS On Mobile App. Let us tell you that UTS i.e. Unreserved Ticketing System app provides the facility to book tickets sitting at home. It can be downloaded by visiting Google Play Store and Apple Play Store.

Ticket booking process

After installing the UTS app, register by entering personal details. Add money to the wallet of UTS mobile app. Select the station you want to go to. Click on Get Fare option. Make payment and buy the ticket.

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