Retirement Pension : Good News! Retirement age and pension amount may increase, know government’s plan

Employees Honorarium Hike : Good news for thousands of employees, Honorarium will be increased by 10%, 1400 rupees increase in salary is possible, Up to 22000 rupees will come in the account
Employees Honorarium Hike : Good news for thousands of employees, Honorarium will be increased by 10%, 1400 rupees increase in salary is possible, Up to 22000 rupees will come in the account

Pension News: The central government may soon give good news to the employees. The government is considering increasing the retirement age and pension amount of employees. This proposal (Universal Pension System) has been sent by the Economic Advisory Committee to the Prime Minister.

Universal Pension System :  The central government can soon give good news to the employees. The government is considering increasing the retirement age and pension amount of employees. This proposal (Universal Pension System) has been sent by the Economic Advisory Committee to the Prime Minister.

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In this, there has been talk of increasing the working age limit of people in the country. Along with this, the Economic Advisory Committee of the PM has said that along with increasing the age of retirement in the country, Universal Pension System should also be started.

Senior Citizen Safety 

According to the committee’s report, under this suggestion, a minimum pension of Rs 2000 should be given to the employees every month. Let us tell you that the Economic Advisory Committee has recommended better arrangements for the safety of senior citizens in the country.

Skill development is essential 

The report said that there is a dire need to raise the retirement age if the working age population is to increase. This can be done to reduce the pressure on the social security system. The report also talked about skill development for persons above 50 years of age.

Governments make policy 

It has been said in the report that the central and state governments should make such policies so that skill development can be done. This effort should also include those living in the unorganized sector, remote areas, refugees, migrants who do not have the means to get training, but they must be trained.

World Population Prospectus 2019 Report 

Let us tell you that according to the World Population Prospectus 2019, there will be around 32 crore senior citizens in India by the year 2050. That is, about 19.5 percent of the country’s population will go into the category of retired. In the year 2019, about 10 percent of India’s population or 140 million people are in the category of senior citizens.


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