Save Electricity Bill: Electricity bill of the house will be reduced and money will be saved, follow these tips

Electricity Bill Saving Tips: Save electricity bill without any tension! Know 5 saving tips
Electricity Bill Saving Tips: Save electricity bill without any tension! Know 5 saving tips

By replacing the old bulbs and tube lights in the house and using LED bulbs, there is a lot of savings in the electricity bill. The entire house can be illuminated brightly with 100 watt LED bulbs.

Even after using electricity in a very economical way, Ashu’s electricity bill was coming very high for the last two times. Ashu’s head was baffled after seeing the increased electricity bill even after the readings in the meter were low. Once he deposited the bill, but seeing the bill for the second time, he ran straight to the electricity office.

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He met the officer by taking an appointment with an officer at the power house. He was completely unaware of the things the officer told Ashu about the electricity bill. During the meeting, the power office official told Ashu some tips. Coming home, Ashu followed these tips completely. And as a result, it has been two years for these things, Ashu’s bill is the lowest among all the houses in his building, while Ashu’s house uses all those things including TV, refrigerator, AC, which are used by others. Happens in homes.

Let us know which such tips Ashu is following, due to which the electricity bill of his house comes very low-

Use of power things
Ashu told that earlier he used to use washing machine and water motor at the same time. During this time the fridge was also running in the house and TV or bulb too. This results in a simultaneous load on the meter. By increasing the load thrice a month, automatically more load than the sanctioned load is added to the electricity bill. And as the load increases, the meter fare also increases.

For this problem Ashu now uses only one power machine at a time. When it is time to wash clothes in the house, during that time the water motor and refrigerator etc. are turned off. Only the washing machine works.

Use of Electric Items
Removing old bulbs and tube lights in the house and using LED bulbs saves a lot in electricity bill. The entire house can be illuminated brightly with 100 watt LED bulbs. Therefore, use economical LED bulbs and tube lights in place of old bulbs.

Use a blower instead of a heater in winter. Heaters are very power consuming. Either use a minimum watt heater or use a blower.

Give rest to the refrigerator
in winter In Delhi-NCR, during winter the temperature of the house becomes less than the temperature of the refrigerator. So close your fridge for a couple of hours. By doing this, even ice will not freeze in the fridge and the consumption of electricity will also be reduced.

Electronic items with a 5 star rating,
replace old electronic items with new ones and use items with a 5 star rating. With this, your electricity bill will be reduced by more than half. One should save electricity bill in a smart way by using smart device. Nowadays, by using smart bulbs, smart speakers, smart connector devices, you can also reduce the electricity bill of the house.

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