SBI Clerk Prelims Admit Card download from this day, training material released

SBI Clerk Prelims Admit Card download from this day, training material released
SBI Clerk Prelims Admit Card download from this day, training material released

State Bank of India has released the pre-exam training material for the preliminary examination (SBI Clerk Prelims 2023) to be held in January 2024 in the first phase of the process of recruitment of more than 8 thousand Junior Associates in the clerical cadre. Through this material, candidates will be able to know the nature of questions asked in the preliminary examination and their level of difficulty.

Update for candidates who have applied for SBI Clerk Recruitment. State Bank of India released the pre-exam training material for the preliminary examination (SBI Clerk Prelims 2023) to be held in January 2024 in the first phase under the selection process prescribed for recruitment to 8,283 posts of Junior Associates in Clerical Cadre. Are. Through this material, candidates will be able to know the nature of questions asked in the preliminary examination and their level of difficulty. Besides this, you will also be able to know the important instructions related to the examination.

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Let us tell you that the information about State Bank of India making arrangements for pre-examination training at various examination centers for the candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Ex-Servicemen and religious minority communities as per the guidelines issued by the Government of India, has been shared through notification. Was done. However, the benefit of this facility will be available only to those candidates who had opted for it during the application.

SBI Clerk Prelims 2023: SBI Clerk Admit Card download from this day

On the other hand, State Bank of India had already announced the date of release of admit cards to the candidates who have applied to appear in Prelims. According to the notification of the bank, candidates will be able to download their admit card (SBI Clerk Admit Card 2023) for the preliminary examination from December 27. For this, candidates will have to fill their registration number and date of birth and submit it.

SBI Clerk Prelims 2023: There will be 100 questions in SBI Clerk exam.

According to the plan of SBI Clerk Exam 2023, the preliminary exam will be of 1 hour and 100 questions will be asked in it. These questions will be from the subjects English Language, Numerical Aptitude and Reasoning Ability. Each question is assigned 1 mark, while 0.25 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.


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