The price of AC will increase from July 1, many rules are about to change, know the reason for increasing the price

The price of AC will increase from July 1, many rules are about to change, know the reason for increasing the price
The price of AC will increase from July 1, many rules are about to change, know the reason for increasing the price

AC Price Hike: Soon air conditioner manufacturers may increase AC prices. The reason for this is the BEE rating. Actually, from July 1, 2022, the new star rating is going to be implemented and after that your existing 5 star AC will change to 4 star. Know the whole matter.

If you are planning to buy a new air conditioner, then buy it before July 1. Some rules related to AC are going to change from next month. Due to this change, the prices of ACs may increase. BEE i.e. Bureau of Energy Efficiency has changed the energy rating rules for air conditioners.

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This change will be applicable from 1st July 2022. Earlier this change was to be implemented from 1 January 2022. On the request of AC manufacturers, the government had given a relaxation of 6 months to the companies, which is being completed on June 30.

That is, from July 1, 2022, the new energy rating rules for AC will be applicable. In the new energy rating rules, the rating of existing ACs will be reduced by one star. That is, today’s 5 star AC will become 4 star from July 1.

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By how much will the price increase?

According to the reports, due to the new norms, the price of air conditioners will increase by 7 to 10 percent. However, AC Manufacturers has not given any concrete information about this.

In the new guidelines, manufacturers have been asked to make changes in the design of ACs as well. According to the new rule, the company will have to increase the airflow. Also, the surface area of ​​the copper tube will have to be increased and more efficient compressor will have to be given. This will increase AC energy efficiency.

From when will the new rules be applicable?

BEE wants the ACs in India to be smarter and less energy efficient than before. As soon as the new rules come into effect, the rating of ACs manufactured before 30 June 2022 will expire.

Note that the new energy efficiency norms will be applicable from July 1, 2022 to December 31, 2024. After this the new norms will be implemented and the rating will be reduced by one star.

In such a situation, if you are planning to buy a new AC, then you can buy it before July 1, 2022. This should give you a lower price and possibly even a discount. But after July 1, 2022, you will definitely have to spend more money.

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