These documents are required to update name, address, date of birth in Aadhaar Card, see full list


New Delhi, Business Desk. Aadhaar Number issued by Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has become the main basis of our identity in today’s times. Whether to open an account with a bank, apply for a loan, fill an income tax return or get a new SIM card, our work becomes much easier by having an Aadhaar card. This is the reason that the name, date of birth and address recorded in the Aadhaar Card of any person must be absolutely correct, otherwise he may face difficulties in many things. However, if there is any kind of omission in the details entered in your Aadhaar card due to any reason, then it should be rectified immediately.

UIDAI has given the facility of correcting many details related to Aadhaar through online medium. However, you will need some documents to correct the information entered in the Aadhaar Card. UIDAI has shared the complete list of such documents through tweet keeping Aadhar card holders in mind. He has tweeted and said, “If you want to update the name, address or date of birth in Aadhaar, then make sure that the document is in your name and included in the documents listed here ….”

If you want to update your name, address or date of birth in Aadhaar, ensure that the document you use is in your name and is one of the valid documents listed here:

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Let us know which documents UIDAI recognizes:

1. In the form of ID:

UIDAI recognizes passport, PAN card, Ration / PDS Photo Card, Voter ID Card, Driving License, Government Photo ID Card, Photo Identity Card issued by Public Sector Companies as Identity Card. Apart from this, NREGA Job Card, Photo ID Card issued by a recognized educational institution, Photo Bank ATM Card, Arms License, Photo Credit Card, Pensioner Photo Card, Freedom Fighter Photo Card, Kisan Photo Passbook, Name from Postal Department And UIDAI also recognizes documents like address book issued with photo as UIDAI identity card.

2. Address ID:

For this, UIDAI passport, bank statement, passbook, ration card, voter ID card, driving license, government photo ID, service photo ID card issued by PSU, electricity bill, water bill, landline telephone bill, property tax receipt and Accepts documents such as credit card statements.

3. Valid documents for change in date of birth

In this list, UIDAI has given birth certificate, SSLC book or certificate, passport, certificate of identity card issued by Group A gazetted officer on standard certificate format of UIDAI, PAN card, mark sheet issued by any government board or university, recognition Approved documents such as photo ID cards issued by educational institutions on which the date of birth is printed, government photo identity card issued with the date of birth.



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