Trains Canceled List: Today 222 trains were Canceled, many trains rescheduled, check the list of canceled trains before leaving home

IRCTC Canceled Trains Today List: Railways canceled a total of 342 trains today, check this list before leaving for the station
IRCTC Canceled Trains Today List: Railways canceled a total of 342 trains today, check this list before leaving for the station

There are two main reasons behind the cancellation of trains. The first reason is the repair of railway tracks. Every day thousands of trains run on the railway tracks. Therefore, it is very important to maintain them.

Railways have a very important role in the lives of all of us. Every month crores of passengers travel by train to reach their homes. In such a situation, it is also the responsibility of the Railways to take full care of the convenience of the passengers.

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In the last few years, railways has started various schemes for the convenience of the passengers. But, in case of train cancellation, reschedule or divert, people have to face huge inconvenience.

To get a confirmed seat in the train, people make reservations in the train months in advance. In such a situation, in case of cancellation of the train at the last moment, there is a lot of problem for the passengers. Along with this, the Railways has to face huge financial losses.

Railways has canceled 222 trains,

even today, a large number of trains have been canceled, rescheduled and diverted. Today i.e. on 30 March 2022, a total of 222 trains have been canceled by the Railways. At the same time, a total of 9 trains have been rescheduled by the Railways.

The rescheduled trains include 9 trains including Saharsa to New Delhi train (02563), Patna to Pandit Deendayal train (03203), Jamalpur to Saharsa (05510), Katihar-Radhikapur (05510), Jammu Tawi-Kolkata (13152).

has been rescheduled. A total of 15 trains have been diverted. In this total 15 trains including Pune-Darbhanga (11033), Chhapra-Surat (09066), Jammu Tawi-Patna (12356) have been cancelled.

It is worth noting that there are two main reasons behind the cancellation of trains. The first reason is the repair of railway tracks. Every day thousands of trains run on the railway tracks. Therefore, it is very important to maintain them.

Apart from this, bad weather is also one of the main reasons behind canceling, diverting or rescheduling the train. Trains also have to be canceled due to many rain, fog or storm.

If you want to see the list of today’s canceled, diverted or rescheduled trains, then check them easily by following these steps. So let’s know how to check the list of diverted, rescheduled and canceled trains-

Check the list of divert, cancel and reschedule trains like this –

  • To check the list of divert, cancel and reschedule trains, first of all visit the website of
  • Next click on Exceptional Trains.
  • Click on the list of Cancel, Reschedule and Divert trains.
  • Leave the house for the station only after checking the list.


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