WhatsApp Ban Countries: WhatsApp is banned in these six countries, know the reason behind it

WhatsApp Ban Countries: WhatsApp is banned in these six countries, know the reason behind it
WhatsApp Ban Countries: WhatsApp is banned in these six countries, know the reason behind it

There are many countries including India where WhatsApp is used. But there are some countries which do not trust WhatsApp. That is why they have banned it. One of India’s neighboring countries is also included in this. There is no permission to use WhatsApp in North Korea. Iran has also banned it.

WhatsApp is used by crores of people all over the world. The company keeps adding new features from time to time to improve the user experience. Many features are introduced by WhatsApp to improve security and privacy.

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But you will not believe that there are many countries which do not trust WhatsApp at all and these countries have banned WhatsApp.

There is no trust in WhatsApp

WhatsApp is used heavily in many countries including India. The reason behind its maximum use is the company’s end to end encryption policy. But, there are some countries that give a lot of priority to security.

They feel that their security can be in danger due to WhatsApp. Therefore, these countries have banned WhatsApp. These countries believe that due to WhatsApp, there are more chances of any wrong information spreading quickly.

WhatsApp is banned in these 6 countries

China: China’s “Great Firewall” prevents access to many foreign apps and websites for its citizens. The Great Firewall has also banned WhatsApp. This ban on WhatsApp is part of a broader strategy to control communication and promote native alternatives such as WeChat.

Iran: WhatsApp faces restrictions from time to time in Iran. The Iranian government has blocked the app from time to time to control communication and access to information during political unrest.

United Arab Emirates (UAE): WhatsApp’s voice and video calling features are blocked in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The UAE government has imposed this ban to support local telecom companies. The big thing is that there is a text messaging facility on WhatsApp here. It is not banned.

Qatar: Like the UAE, Qatar has also blocked WhatsApp’s voice and video calling features. Text messaging is on here too, but the ban on calls is in place to support the country’s telecom companies.

Syria: WhatsApp is banned in Syria because the government does not want things within the country to reach outside. Apart from this, this ban is part of a comprehensive internet censorship policy.

North Korea: North Korea has perhaps the strictest internet policies in the world. Citizens have extremely limited access to the global internet and apps like WhatsApp have been banned to prevent the free flow of information and the government can maintain control over communication.

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