WhatsApp Tricks: You must have probably noticed that when you send a photo to someone on WhatsApp, it does not always show in the same quality as it appears while sending.
WhatsApp HD Photo Tips: When it comes to WhatsApp, this messaging app is used by people all over the world as it makes it easy for users to keep connected with each other. If friends, relatives or family members want to say something, they immediately send a message on WhatsApp. If they just want to show a photo or video, WhatsApp is a convenient way to do that.
If we are talking about photos, then you must have probably noticed that when you send a photo to someone on WhatsApp, it does not always show in the same quality as it appears while sending. When we send a photo with our phone’s camera, then its quality deteriorates. Now we are telling you how you can send the photo in its original quality.
First convert photo to document
Converting a photo to a document and then sending it is the easiest way to share it with anyone on WhatsApp. This technology is both simple and effective. This does not spoil the quality of the photo.
Go to document option
First, go to the WhatsApp chat of the person to whom you want to send the photo, then click on the clip icon and select the document option. Then the file without photo will appear.
Browse, select and send
Now select Browse other docs from the given option. After that, select any photo in the original quality and send the one you want to send. Now the photo receiver will be available in the original quality.
new feature may come
There are reports that WhatsApp is planning to introduce a feature that will allow users to share high quality photos with each other. If this service is added, you will not need to convert photos to documents.