Work From Home : Companies are getting huge benefits from work from home! Revealed in the study

Work From Home : Companies are getting huge benefits from work from home! Revealed in the study
Work From Home : Companies are getting huge benefits from work from home! Revealed in the study

Work From Home: Work from home is proving to be very beneficial for companies. Many-fold increase in revenue growth of many companies is being seen.

Work From Home: The culture of work from home has become very common since the Corona epidemic. Companies have been providing their employees the facility to work from home for a long time. In a survey conducted on work from home, it has been found that the revenue growth of companies which are providing work from home facility to their employees is up to four times more than that of other companies.

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Survey conducted among 554 companies

According to the report published in Bloomberg, this data has been prepared on the basis of a survey conducted among a total of 554 companies. The thing to note is that these companies are providing employment to a total of 2.67 crore people. The survey has included those companies which are either completely running on the work from home model or are giving the employees the freedom to choose the facility of working from office or home.

According to the survey of Scoop Technologies and Boston Consulting Group, the data between the year 2020 and 2022 has revealed that an increase of 21 percent has been recorded in the sales of these companies. Whereas in hybrid or work from office model, only 5 percent growth has been recorded during this period.

Hybrid model companies are getting more benefits

This survey also revealed that in the companies which have adopted the hybrid model, the sales revenue growth has increased up to twice as compared to the office model. Let us tell you that in the hybrid model, companies allow their employees to work from home for some days of the week and from office for some days.

Talking on this survey, Co-Founder and CEO of Scoop Technologies said that Rob Sado has said that the companies which work on work from home model are able to hire more employees. Besides this, the coverage area of ​​the company increases, the impact of which is visible on the company’s revenue.

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