Bihar NHM Recruitment 2020: Government Jobs for National Health Mission Bihar, State Health Committee extended the application date


New Delhi, Online Desk. Bihar NHM Recruitment 2020: The State Health Committee, Bihar has extended the application date for National Health Mission under various recruitment notification for the recently released posts. In these, the candidates who are willing and eligible for the posts of Clinical Psychologist and Psychiatric Social Worker can now do online by 15 May 2020.

For the application, the candidates have to visit the official website of the committee, You can visit the application portal by clicking on the related advertisement link in the latest section on the home page, where the official notification and link for online application as well as the terms of recruitment for various posts, in the dates of application, related links are given in detail. Huh. Candidates can also visit the application portal from the direct link given below.

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In the process of applying for the National Health Mission, Bihar, candidates have to first register on the application portal. For which candidates have to fill their basic information like educational qualification, citizenship, domicile, category, name, email and mobile number. After registration, the application number will be allotted to the candidates. After this, by filling the application number and date of birth, the candidates will be able to login on the application portal and apply for the relevant post. Candidates should also save the soft copy after taking print-out of the online application.

Candidates should note that only the posts of Clinical Psychologist and Psychiatric Social Worker can be applied by the State Health Committee, Bihar on the extension date. At the same time, applications were invited in the notification for both of these posts as well as senior lab technician posts in the official notification (advertisement number 04/2020). However, according to the recently issued new notice related to the extension of the application date by the committee, applications for senior lab technician posts have not been made available.

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