Careful! Twitter users should not do this work from January 20, or else will suffer loss


New Delhi:  It has been announced by Twitter India that the new verification policy of micro-blogging site Twitter is being implemented from January 20. In such a situation, the user should be cautious while using Twitter from January 20, because the verification badge i.e. the blue tick mark will be removed on violation of Twitter’s policy. Twitter has said in its blog that verification badges will be removed from those accounts which are not active or their details are incomplete. Meaning those who have not used Twitter for a long time or they have died. Such Twitter accounts will be removed.

Twitter users do not tweet this

Under Twitter’s new policy, if an account is found to be in violation of the rules, its verification will be removed. Meaning the user should be careful while tweeting from 20 January. Users should refrain from making fake and violent tweets and sexual tweets from January 20. Also fake or sexual violence and sexual tweets should not be retweeted. By doing this, the user can be canceled verification.

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Blue Tim Mark will be removed for violation of rules

Under the new policy, the verification of the account that repeatedly violates the rules of Twitter can be removed. Also, these accounts will be monitored. Actually, Twitter is going to improve its rules in the verification process in the year 2021. Twitter stopped the blue badge verification process for the general public three years ago. However, its launch has been announced last month. Users will get these app notifications automatically on Twitter’s new policy, in which the user will be made aware of the new rules. On behalf of Twitter, opinion was sought from the general public for its new verification process. Thus, Twitter has received around 22,000 survey responses in the last two weeks. In this, it has been suggested to create categories such as academic, scientific and spiritual leadership. Let us know that Twitter is working in this direction.


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