Credit card limit Alert! Do not fall into the trap of increasing the credit card limit, your bank account may become empty

Big news! Mobile put in charge and 16 lakhs disappeared from account on sight, know full details immediately
Big news! Mobile put in charge and 16 lakhs disappeared from account on sight, know full details immediately

Cyber ​​Crime Helpline: In the world of digital payment, cyber thugs are harassing people by giving new hoaxes.

The special thing is that every day new tricks of cheating come to the fore. The latest case is of Palwal city of Haryana. Here an incident has come to light of a man grabbing Rs 1.10 lakh from his account on the pretext of increasing the credit card limit.

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According to the information received from the police, Deepak, a resident of Palwal, got a phone call in which Deepak was told that his credit card limit is expiring, he can increase this limit. And in fact Deepak’s credit card limit was running out, he had shopped for about Rs 50,000 in the past. Deepak asked to increase the limit.

The caller said that an OTP will come on his phone number and share it. Deepak went on doing as per the caller’s instructions and during this time Rs 1.10 lakh was deducted from his bank account three times. By the time Deepak understood something, his bank account was empty. Deepak’s case has been registered under cybercrime from the police.

This incident may have happened with Deepak, but there is a big lesson for everyone. Sometimes in the name of credit card limit and sometimes in the name of expiry of debit card, people are cheated on the day. Sometimes on the pretext of doing KYC, sometimes in the name of updating bank account, people are being duped.

Bank details can be stolen from WhatsApp It has
often been seen that people without thinking immediately click on the links and messages on WhatsApp. Clicking on an unknown link without thinking can cost you heavily. Clicking on such links increases your chances of being fraudulent. Because through such links all your information goes to the scammers.

Be aware like
this, avoid downloading new apps. Do not click on links with excessive offers or expensive gifts. Also avoid visiting unnecessary websites. Make sure to check before downloading any third party app. When visiting an unknown link, check the website URL thoroughly.

Cyber ​​Dost Alerts
To make people aware about cybercrime, the Ministry of Home Affairs has also created an app called Cyber ​​Dost. This time the government has alerted about a new threat through Cyber ​​Dost. The government has alerted people about OTP fraud. The government says that OTP can also be stolen by call.

In case of cyber fraud, register your complaint at and use the helpline number 155260.

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