IRCTC New Service: Aadhaar and PAN card can also be made at railway station, this service started

IRCTC New Service: Aadhaar and PAN card can also be made at railway station, this service started
IRCTC New Service: Aadhaar and PAN card can also be made at railway station, this service started

You can book train, air or bus tickets at the Common Service Center (CSC) center starting at the railway station. Aadhar card, PAN card, voter card, mobile recharge, electricity bill payment, income tax, banking and insurance related work can also be done.

Now you have to make Aadhar card or get any update done in it. Or if there is any work related to PAN card, then you can also get this work done at your nearest railway station. Because soon people will get the benefit of the services provided by the Common Service Center (CSC) at the railway station.

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Common Service Center has been started first at Varanasi City Railway Station and Prayagraj City Railway Station on a pilot basis.

RailWire Saathi Kiosks After

Varanasi and Prayagraj, kiosks like ‘Common Service Center (CSC)’ are going to be started at other railway stations of the country as well. These kiosks have been named as ‘Railwire Saathi KIOSK’. These kiosks will be operated by Village Level Entrepreneurs (VLEs) of Common Service Centres. You can book train, air or bus tickets at these Common Service Center (CSC) centers. Aadhar card, PAN card, voter card, mobile recharge, electricity bill payment, income tax, banking and insurance related work can also be done.

Facility will be available at 200 railway stations

RailTel will operate Common Service Center kiosks at about 200 railway stations. Out of these 44 are in South Central Railway, 20 in Northeast Frontier Railway, 13 in East Central Railway, 15 in Western Railway, 25 in Northern Railway, 12 in West Central Railway, 13 in East Coast Railway and 56 in North Eastern Railway.

This scheme has been operated in partnership with CSC e-Governance Services India Limited. This is a great convenience for the people commuting at the railway stations.

RailTel, a Public Sector Undertaking of the Ministry of Railways has launched a scheme to operate Common Service Center (CSC) kiosks (stalls) at railway stations across India. The scheme has been operated in partnership with CSC e-Governance Services India Limited (CSC-SPV), Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India.

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