Petrol Diesel Price Today : Crude oil becomes expensive internationally, check the price of petrol and diesel today

Petrol-Diesel Price : Fuel prices updated for today, petrol-diesel is cheaper in many cities than Patna
Petrol-Diesel Price : Fuel prices updated for today, petrol-diesel is cheaper in many cities than Patna

Yesterday, there was a rise in the prices of petrol and diesel in the global market, after which the oil companies have updated the prices of petrol and diesel. In such a situation, if you are planning a weekend trip and are going somewhere, then before that find out what is the price of oil in your city. Read the full news.

Yesterday there was a rise in the prices of crude oil at the international level . Global oil benchmark Brent crude was up 0.77 per cent yesterday at US$78.02 per barrel. After which, like every day, today the oil companies of the country have fixed the price of petrol and diesel for every small and big cities of the country.

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In such a situation, if you are planning to go somewhere with your friends and families this weekend, then before that you should know about the prices of petrol and diesel in your city. Oil companies have kept the prices stable at the national level, giving relief to the people. Know what is the price.

What is the price of petrol and diesel in which city?

According to Good Returns, today’s oil prices are as follows:

City Petrol (price per liter) Diesel (price per liter)
New Delhi 96.72 89.62
Noida 96.59 89.76
Gurugram 96.97 89.84
Patna 107.59 94.36
Chennai 102.74 94.33
Thiruvananthapuram 109.42  98.24
Bhubaneswar 103.04 94.61
Lucknow 96.48 89.67
Kolkata 106.03 92.76
Mumbai 106.31 94.27
Bengaluru 101.94 87.89
Chandigarh 96.20 84.26
Hyderabad  109.66 97.82
Jaipur 108.48 93.72

How much crude oil is in 1 barrel?

1 barrel of imported crude oil contains about 159 liters of crude oil. The oil refineries present in the country extract petrol and diesel from this crude oil.

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