SBI New Scheme: 6.10% interest is getting under this scheme in SBI, take advantage soon

RBI Rules: People with more than one bank account should be careful, know the rules of RBI
RBI Rules: People with more than one bank account should be careful, know the rules of RBI

SBI Scheme | If you invest under a scheme in SBI, you will get a lot of interest. Also, this will increase your income. This scheme is awesome. In fact, the country’s largest bank SBI has introduced a special scheme Utsav Deposit on the completion of 75 years of independence.

If you invest under this scheme, then you are being given more interest than ordinary FD. This special FD scheme is till 28 October 2022. So if you want to invest in this then hurry up.

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Getting more interest on FD of 1000 days

SBI has introduced 1000 days FD in the name of Utsav Deposit. In this, SBI is offering an interest rate of 6.10% per annum on deposits for one thousand days. Senior citizens will be eligible to get an additional interest rate of 0.50% over the regular rate. An investment of up to Rs 2 crore can be made in this.

SBI is offering interest up to 5.65%

SBI is currently offering interest from 2.90% to 5.50% on FDs. At the same time, interest of 3.40%-6.30% is being given to senior citizens. SBI is currently offering up to 5.50% interest to depositors for a tenure of 5 to 10 years. The bank is offering interest up to 6.30% for senior citizens.

How much interest is SBI paying on FD

Term Interest Rate (%) Interest Rate for Senior Citizens (%)

  • 7 to 45 days 2.90 3.40
  • 46 to 179 days 3.90 4.40
  • 180 to 210 days 4.40 4.90
  • 211 to less than 1 year 4.60 5.10
  • 1 year to less than 2 years 5.30 5.80
  • 2 years to less than 3 years 5.35 5.85
  • 3 years to 5 years Less than 5.45 5.95
  • 5 years to 10 years 5.50 6.30
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