UIDAI is going to implement new rule, Now will have to do this work, know what will change

UIDAI issues alert for Aadhar card holders! This facility will be available for 3 months free
UIDAI issues alert for Aadhar card holders! This facility will be available for 3 months free

Aadhar card has become an essential document for the people. Without Aadhar Card, hardly any official work can be done. The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) will encourage the updating of biometrics in the Aadhar card. Under these new rules, Aadhaar card holders may be required to update their biometric data every 10 years.

According to the reports, the officials have to say that the central government wants to motivate people to update their face and fingerprint scan. However, it is also being said that Aadhaar card holders above 70 years of age will be exempted from these rules. Children below the age of five years are registered in the Aadhaar card after verifying their photograph and biometric data.

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It is mandatory to update the biometrics in the Aadhar card when the child is 5 years and 15 years old. On updating the biometrics at the age of 15, the Aadhar of the child of all Aadhar cards also becomes white like everyone else. If reports are to be believed, there will be no need to update the Aadhar card after reaching an age.

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